How to evaluate hosted full text search solutions?

Solution 1:

Websolr provides a cloud-based Solr with a control panel. It's in private beta as of this writing, but you can get the service through Heroku.

Another hosted Solr service is PowCloud, also in private beta, which seems to offer strong Wordpress integration.

SolrHQ: another beta service providing a hosted Solr solution, with Joomla and Wordpress integrations.

Acquia Search offers Solr integration for Drupal sites.

If you decide to build your own EC2 instance, the SolrOnAmazonEC2 wiki page might be useful. Or you could just get LucidWorks Solr for EC2, which is probably the easiest and fastest way to get Solr on EC2.

Engine Yard provides a cloud-based Sphinx service.

Solution 2:

Indextank is a hosted real-time full text search solution. It's pretty simple to set up (you can get an index running in a couple of minutes) and it's very powerfull (Reddit runs over IndexTank). It provides Java, Python, Ruby and Php clients as well as a Rest API specification. There's an awesome support service (including live chat). You should give it a try.

Solution 3:

Another option, particularly for UK people is . I should point out I own Netaphor Ltd. We support the Solr REST API but also have a PHP connector so that you can get up and running very quickly.

Solution 4:

Have a look at Artirix - UK company but also in the US I know they power some sites such as in the UK based on SOLR and have a bunch of other products for crawling and data processing

Solution 5:

My five cents
Offers free hosted Elastic Search if you are ready for advertisement in search results. But anyway you can start with free, and switch to no ads paid account.

It's also not just hosted Elastic Search, but ready to ase Ajax search box (that really impress) to embed to you site (mobile and tablet adopted), and some useful features like statistics, image resizing. There are several options to fill the index with documents - crawler, API and DB connector