How do I get rid of "--" line separator when using grep with context lines?

I have a text file named compare.txt where I want to extract the single line that follows every line that contains the pattern nmse_gain_constant. The following command gets me close:

grep -A 1 nmse_gain_constant compare.txt | grep -v nmse_gain_constant

But this includes a separator -- line between every line of desired text. Any easy ideas how to get rid of the -- lines?

Example: for an input file that looks like

nmse_gain_constant matching line
line after first match
nmse_gain_constant another matching line
line after second match
nmse_gain_constant a third matching line
line after third match

the output is

line after first match
line after second match
line after third match

but I'd like to have just

line after first match
line after second match
line after third match

Solution 1:

I do this:

 grep ... | grep -v -- "^--$"

But this works too (on many, not all OS'es)!

grep --no-group-separator ...

And it doesn't spit out that "--" or even a blank line.

Solution 2:

There is an undocumented parameter of grep: "--group-separator", which overrides the default "--". You can set it to "" to get rid of the double dash. Though, you still get an empty line. I had the same trouble, and found this param by reading the source code of grep.