Setup git in Intellij terminal

I want to use git in Intellij Terminal but it does not recognize the command. In Command Prompt and Windows power shell the command in recognized (I added the git path in System Environment Variables). I am also aware that Intellij has an GUI integration with Git.

So, can anyone tell me how can I use the git command in the Intellij terminal.

Solution 1:

Setup JetBrains(InteliJ, WebStorm, PHPStorm) IDE terminal to use GIT bash

  • File
  • Settings
  • (Enter 'Terminal' in search)
  • Change Shell path to:

"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i


"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe"

If you have another directory for installed git change it respectively.

Solution 2:

The full path is not needed anymore (windows), I just replaced cmd.exe to sh.exe and bingo was his name O

Settings > Tools > Terminal > Shell path sh.exe