How to show hidden files in Aptana's Project View?

I understand that Aptana is built from Eclipse. I tried searching for the Package Explorer to enable viewing of .htaccess files inside the project but I can't find the Package Explorer.

Any help of the exact location on how to enable it will be excellent.

Solution 1:

In Aptana 3 it's little down arrow > 'Customize View' > 'Filters' - uncheck .* files to show files like .htaccess and .* resources to show folders like .settings/

Solution 2:

For Aptana 2
In the project view, click the little down arrow in the top right hand corner, click on 'Filters' and in here you can tick which hidden files you want to view.

For Apatana 3
See the answer by Frederick

Solution 3:

...geez, it took me a while to find that damn arrow :) Sell below: enter image description here

Solution 4:

I'm using Aptana 3 on a Kubuntu 11.10 machine. In my experience, I had to select the little down arrow from Aptana 3's Project Explorer, then choose > Customize View > Filters and uncheck both *.files and *.resources to show the .htaccess file.

Either one, by itself, would not display the .htaccess file.