A word for weariness after travelling?

Is there a word meaning something along the lines of weary, haggard or generally not at one's best after a long journey? Something like travel-worn, but better?

As a compelling motivating example, I offer you my twelve-week-old son on return from his grandparents':


Solution 1:

Actually travel-weary and travel-worn are likely your best options:
Collins defines it:

travel-weary (ˈtrævəlˌwɪərɪ) or travel-worn

tired or exhausted as a result of travelling ⇒ "It's hard to rouse a travel-weary body from the king-size bed and immerse yourself in the city."

Solution 2:

There is wayworn as a single word. (also way-worn). The usage of the word has declined in recent decades but there is still contemporary usage. [See: Google Ngram]

worn or wearied by travel:
She was wayworn after the long trip.

OED lists the figurative usage also:

fig. 1848 Thackeray Vanity Fair liii. 478    That night..she prayed humbly for that poor wayworn sinner.