How to register VLC as a multimedia player in Ubuntu system?

In "Preferences - Preferred Applications" there is a choice of Totem and Rhythmbox (actually it was, before I've uninsulated both of them favouring DeadBeeF for audio, raw mplayer for video and VLC for occasions) and Custom. Can I add a player (VLC for example) to appear in that list, officially recognised as a player application (not just "Custom")?

Solution 1:

All the applications that are listed in Preferred Applications are registered in

To add VLC to the list of media players,

  1. Create a file called vlc.xml in /usr/share/gnome-control-center/default-apps:
    Hit Alt+F2 and run the following command:

    gksu gedit /usr/share/gnome-control-center/default-apps/vlc.xml
  2. Copy and paste the following in that file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE default-apps SYSTEM "gnome-da-list.dtd">

You should now see VLC in the list of multimedia players:

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