Error : The service is invalid

Xcode and the GDB connection is quite temperamental. The device and your Mac can become unsynchronised with each other. My checklist for this sort of thing:

  1. Restart Xcode.
  2. Delete the .app from your iOS device, do a Clean then Rebuild.
  3. Disconnect, reconnect device.
  4. Restart iOS device (90% of the time it fixes things)
  5. If all else fails, restart your Mac (unlikely but it did fix an issue once for me).

I have solved the problem... Only needed to restart the iphone...

Restarting the Xcode wont work in this case. So just restart your iPhone and everything will be fine.


If you have an iPhone 5 running iOS 6.0 and have installed the "iOS Updater" app, you will also have this message.

Finishing the update process to iOS 6.0.1 will resolve the problem.

If you have an iPhone 5 running iOS 6.0 and have installed the "iOS Updater" app, you will also have this message.

Finishing the update process to iOS 6.0.1 will resolve the problem.

This error also happens if the iPhone provisioning profile has expired.