Do you "chew" yogurt? What is the correct verb?

Someone told me (half) jokingly that I should be able to eat my yogurt (plain Greek yogurt) quickly since I don't have to chew it. We then started wondering if chewing is the correct verb for when yogurt is in your mouth. I'm talking specifically about when the yogurt is in your mouth before you swallow it, when you break it up with your tongue but not necessarily with your teeth (or at least I think that's what I do!). What is this called?

Just a fun question, couldn't find anything online about the proper term (if there is one), and I have seen people on here find interesting terms for things like this!

Update1: Edited the question to be more specific about what I was really asking (sorry!).

Solution 1:

Technically you can chew yogurt and it is recommended but it is not a usual verb to use with yogurt and it would sound strange to use in everyday speech. Obviously the most common verb is eat.

Foods that are already mostly liquid, such as jello or yogurt, should be chewed the same as solid foods to allow the saliva to break them down before entering the stomach.

[How to chew food properly/Wikihow]

Chewing food without teeth is called gumming.

Chew with toothless gums: some grandmother gumming a meal [OD]

Also, chewing is used sometimes when toothless babies eat food with a chewing-like motion.

Solution 2:

I have never had yoghurt which is of a sufficiently tough-enough consistency to require chewing.

According to my dictionary the verb chew does involve use of the teeth, and biting and/or gnawing.

Solution 3:

The verb for ingesting yoghurt in your mouth is simply eating.

Solution 4:

One verb for ingesting liquids, including viscous and partly solid ones like yogurt, is slurp.