Is it possible to see a list of which games I have marked as "Not Interested"?

If, during processing your queue, you marked a game as "Not interested", but you later reconsider based on a better understanding of the game, can you undo the "Not Interested" mark somehow?

I know you can change it on the store page, but I'm also looking for a way to change them in bulk. For example: I could have marked an entire genre as "not interested" consistently, but after playing some games in that genre, I might be reconsidering that.

Solution 1:

  1. Go to (In your browser window NOT in steam.)
  2. Log In
  3. Go to (refresh if blank)
  4. Look for "rgIgnoredApps"
  5. Look for the ID(s) to the Left of "rgIgnoredApps" Copy & Paste that id into this URL:

It's not possible to "Undo" them in bulk, however this should help make sure you haven't missed any along the way.

Solution 2:

The "Excluded Products" for your account are listed at

Solution 3:

Following @Sriahciboon 's answer, I wrote a small python script that does most of the work for you. Here you go. :)

This requires you to edit the script and know a bit of python though.

Solution 4:

In addition to Carl Reinke's answer for the Steam website, here is one applicable to the Steam program:

Go to Store -> Explore, scroll down a little until you see Your Queue Activity, and select View titles marked not interested under the lowest category Not Interested.

Display titles you're not interested in in Steam

On the following page, you have a simple list of all the titles you marked as 'Not Interested', and scrolling over them reveals a button you can click to delete them from this list:

Delete titles from the list by using the button marked 'X'