How to create an empty file from command line

How can I create an empty file from the command line?

Solution 1:

Use the touch command:

The touch utility sets the modification and access times of files to the
current time of day. If the file doesn't exist, it is created with
default permissions.


touch newfile

Solution 2:

> newfile

Will also create an empty file. If the file does already exist, it will be truncated (emptied). To keep the file contents, use >> for appending as in:

>> file

Even if the file exists, the contents will be untouched.

Edit: If you don't have any content to type, this one is faster:

user@host$ :> newfile
user@host$ :>> new_or_existing_file

Note. : is the command here. It is not part of the prompt.

Solution 3:

cat /dev/null > file1.ext 

the exact way there is also another way

echo "" > file2.ext 

The difference is file1.ext will be zero bytes and file2.ext would be one byte. You can check this by

ls -l file*.*

Solution 4:

Using vim editor you can also create an empty file.

vim filename

Then save


Solution 5:

The command

echo -n > file

creates an empty file, if your version of echo supports the -n switch.

Or you could use printf

printf '' > file