How to define a Laravel route with a parameter that contains a slash character

Add the below catch-all route to the bottom of your routes.php and remember to run composer dump-autoload afterwards. Notice the use of "->where" that specifies the possible content of params, enabling you to use a param containing a slash.

Route::get('view/{slashData?}', 'ExampleController@getData')
    ->where('slashData', '(.*)');

And than in your controller you just handle the data as you'd normally do (like it didnt contain the slash).

class ExampleController extends BaseController {

    public function getData($slashData = null)
            //do stuff 


This should work for you.

Additionally, here you have detailed Laravel docs on route parameters: [ docs ]

I have a similar issue but my URL contains several route parameters :


And here is how I managed that case :

    Route::get('test/{param1WithSlash}/{param2}/{param3}', function ($param1MayContainsSlash, $param2, $param3) {

        $content = "PATH: " . Request::path() . "</br>";
        $content .= "PARAM1: $param1WithSlash </br>";
        $content .= "PARAM2: $param2 </br>".PHP_EOL;
        $content .= "PARAM3: $param3 </br>".PHP_EOL;

        return Response::make($content);
    })->where('param1MayContainsSlash', '(.*(?:%2F:)?.*)');

Hope it can help.

urlencoded slashes do not work in Laravel due to what I consider a bug. This pull request will resolve that bug.


Note that the change allows the route to be parsed BEFORE decoding the values in the path.

I've already upvoted Pierre's answer, it's correct, but in my opinion is longer than needed, here's a very short for-the-impatient sample route that does the trick:

Route::get('post/{slug}', [PostController::class, 'show'])->where('slug', '[\w\s\-_\/]+');

This is all you need. Indeed, the \/ in the regular expression above(in the where method) is all you need !

Now for example:

  • domain/A ---> "A" will be passed to the show method of the PostController.
  • domain/A/B ---> "A/B" will be passed to the show method of the PostController.
  • domain/A/B/C ---> "A/B/C" will be passed to the show method of the PostController.
  • and so on...

For more samples read this: Laravel Documentation - Regular Expression Constraints

In Laravel 8

Route::get('/search/{search}', function ($search) {
    return $search;
})->where('search', '.*');
