Permissions on private key in .ssh folder?

Typically you want the permissions to be:

  • .ssh directory: 700 (drwx------)
  • public key (.pub file): 644 (-rw-r--r--)
  • private key (id_rsa): 600 (-rw-------)
  • lastly your home directory should not be writeable by the group or others (at most 755 (drwxr-xr-x)).

I am assuming that you mean that you have to enter your system/user password each time, and that previously you did not have to. cdhowie's response is assuming you set a password/passphrase when generating your keys, and if you did then as he says you will have to enter your password every time unless you use an ssh agent.

I was struggling with this forever and finally figured out what is needed. Replace $USER everywhere with the SSH username you want to log into on the server. If you're trying to login as root you would need to use /root/.ssh etc., instead of /home/root/.ssh which is how it is for non-root users.

  • Home directory on the server should not be writable by others: chmod go-w /home/$USER
  • SSH folder on the server needs 700 permissions: chmod 700 /home/$USER/.ssh
  • Authorized_keys file needs 644 permissions: chmod 644 /home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Make sure that user owns the files/folders and not root: chown user:user authorized_keys and chown user:user /home/$USER/.ssh
  • Put the generated public key (from ssh-keygen) in the user's authorized_keys file on the server
  • Make sure that user's home directory is set to what you expect it to be and that it contains the correct .ssh folder that you've been modifying. If not, use usermod -d /home/$USER $USER to fix the issue
  • Finally, restart ssh: service ssh restart
  • Then make sure client has the public key and private key files in the local user's .ssh folder and login: ssh [email protected]

Also ensure that your home directory is not writeable by other users.

chmod g-w,o-w ~

Am posting this as a separate answer since I wanted to see man page recommendations translated into permissions.

Summary based on the man page quotes (linked at the end):

| Directory or File      | Man Page                            | Recommended | Mandatory   |
|                        |                                     | Permissions | Permissions |
| ~/.ssh/                | There is no general requirement to  | 700         |             |
|                        | keep the entire contents of this    |             |             |
|                        | directory secret, but the           |             |             |
|                        | recommended permissions are         |             |             |
|                        | read/write/execute for the user,    |             |             |
|                        | and not accessible by others.       |             |             |
| ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | This file is not highly sensitive,  | 600         |             |
|                        | but the recommended permissions are |             |             |
|                        | read/write for the user, and not    |             |             |
|                        | accessible by others                |             |             |
| ~/.ssh/config          | Because of the potential for abuse, |             | 600         |
|                        | this file must have strict          |             |             |
|                        | permissions: read/write for the     |             |             |
|                        | user, and not accessible by others. |             |             |
|                        | It may be group-writable provided   |             |             |
|                        | that the group in question contains |             |             |
|                        | only the user.                      |             |             |
| ~/.ssh/identity        | These files contain sensitive data  |             | 600         |
| ~/.ssh/id_dsa          | and should be readable by the user  |             |             |
| ~/.ssh/id_rsa          | but not accessible by others        |             |             |
|                        | (read/write/execute)                |             |             |
| ~/.ssh/    | Contains the public key for         | 644         |             |
| ~/.ssh/      | authentication.  These files are    |             |             |
| ~/.ssh/      | not sensitive and can (but need     |             |             |
|                        | not) be readable by anyone.         |             |             |

All the man page quotes are from

Permissions shouldn't have anything to do with this. Your private key is encrypted with the password, so you need to enter it for the private key to be decrypted and usable.

You might consider running an ssh agent, which can cache decrypted keys and will supply them to applications that need them.