What is the command for placing red wool?

Solution 1:

Thanks: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-discussion/redstone-discussion-and/351075-color-screens-with-the-new-setblock-command, http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Wool

Simple command:

/setblock ~ ~ ~ wool <1-15>


/setblock is the command. ~ ~ ~ is the 3 coordinates (X Y Z respectively). wool is the item that you place. <1-15> is the number that corresponds to the colour of the wool in Dec.

Here is the list:

 0 - white
 1 - orange
 2 - magenta
 3 - light blue
 4 - yellow
 5 - lime
 6 - pink
 7 - grey
 8 - light grey
 9 - cyan
10 - purple
11 - blue
12 - brown
13 - green
14 - red
15 - black

Solution 2:

As of 1.10 this no longer works!

In 1.10 you do /setblock X Y Z minecraft:wool 0

Solution 3:

Minecraft 1.13 and later versions split red wool into it's own item, meaning the correct command is now /setblock x y z red_wool