How do I stop I.E. jumping into compatability view [duplicate]

Try added this meta tag to your heading first...
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" >

If you get an error and it switches then try this one. This will automatically set it in Compatibility View...
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" >

More information about this tag can be found here...

More information...

The latter of the two examples will put then browser in to Compatibility View from the start. Subsequently, means your site will not need to crash before switching. Also the user should never see the error posted in your screenshot.

This feature, or meta tag, was added for webmasters or developers tp have temporary fix after a new release of Internet Explorer. Therefore the only real fix comes down to programming in such away that prevents this from happening. To explain, you need to either program using latest standards, program around the many limitations of Internet Explorer (8 or older), or use a JavaScript library such as jQuery. That is assuming the error or problem in your code is JavaScript related. If it is, then jQuery is a great solution. It will allow you to program once to allow your scripts/webapps to work nearly prefect or as close as possible with all browsers.

Here are a list of reason a site will switch to Compatibility View: the user has the site listed as a site to always go in to Compatibility View; the site is listed by Microsoft to have better user-experience when render in Compatibility View -- the list is update via Windows Update; the site causes such a big problem the browser switches to Compatibility View -- your case; the site has a meta tag that tell the browser to render the browser like IE7 or IE8 -- a.k.a. Compatibility View.

Go into to tools, internet options, advanced and deselect "Automatically recover from page layout errors with compatibility view"