How do I force a particular instance of a C++ template to instantiate?

See title. I have a template. I want to force a particular instance of a template to instantiate. How do I do this?

More specifically, can you force an abstract template class to instantiate?

I might elaborate as I have the same question. In my case I am building a library, some of the template implementations are large and include lots of stuff, but are only generated for a couple of types. I want to compile them in the library and export all the methods, but not include the header with the code everywhere.


template<class T>
    T *item1;
    inline T *simpleGetT() { return(item1); } /* small inline code in here */ } 
    T *doSomeReallyBigMergeStuff(T *b); // note only declaration here

// *** implementation source file only seen inside library

template<class T>
MyTmpl<T>::doSomeReallyBigMergeStuff(T *b)
    ... a really big method, but don't want to duplicate it, 
        so it is a template ...

I could of course reference all the methods inside the library which would force them to compile and export but the desire isn't to add un-needed code to the library like the argument formatting for the items and the code to call them etc.

????? specifically I am building the library for several versions of MSC and GCC and intel compilers.

Solution 1:

You can't force generic templates to instantiate, the compiler can only generate code if the type is completely known.

Forcing an instantiation is done by providing all types explicitly:

template class std::vector<int>;

Comeaus template FAQ covers the related issues in some detail.

Solution 2:

What you also can try is explicit instantiation:

template class vector<int>;                    // class
template int& vector<int>::operator[](int);    // member
template int convert<int,double>(double);      // function

Solution 3:

You can force instantiation by using the template with the desired parameter. For example you could define a function using all the required methods:

void force_int_instance() {
  Abstract<int> *a;
  a->some_other_method(1, 2, 3);

You don't need to actually call that function anywhere, so it's not a problem that the pointer is not initialized. But the compiler has to assume that the function might be called from another object file, so it has to instantiate the template.