USB wire colors not matching standard colors: white, light-grey, blue, green; which is what?

Solution 1:

This page on USBMan® seems to have the information you require, but the first set of colours do not make up a set of the four different wires, you seem to be missing at least a ground.

When there are non-standard colours floating about I would be very wary of connecting them up without finding out from the manufacturer what colour they are using for what.

  • Colour: RED, ORANGE -> Connects to: POWER, VCC, SVCC, +5V
  • Colour: WHITE, YELLOW -> Connects to: P-, DATA-, SBD-
  • Colour: GREEN, GREY -> Connects to: P+, DATA+, SBD+
  • Colour: BLACK, BLUE, BROWN -> Connects to: GROUND, GRND, GND

Solution 2:

There is no "always right" answer. They have to be checked. If you don't know what a multimeter is, you probably need help from someone more knowledgeable.