TDD/BDD screencast/video resources [closed]

I've recently finished watching the Autumn of Agile screencasts and I'm looking for more material of similar scope. Basically, I'm looking for screencasts that present TDD/BDD process while developing somewhat "real life" applications (or parts of them) - so no 20 minute intros please. I'm surprised not to find anything like that though. If you know of any resources that fit the requirement, please list them.

Solution 1:

Brett Schuchert from Object Mentor just posted a series of videos on TDD

The videos are meant to be watched in order.

  1. GettingStarted
  2. Adding Basic Operators
  3. Removing Duplication
  4. Extracting to Strategy
  5. Removing Duplication via Refactoring or Removing Duplication via Tdd using Mockito
  6. Introducing an Abstract Factory
  7. Adding a Sum operator
  8. Adding Prime Factors Operator
  9. Composing Operators and Programming the Calculator
  10. Using FitNesse to Program the Calculator

A series of videos on creating the shunting yard algorithm in C# using Resharper, Visual Studio 2008 and TDD.

  1. Shunting Yard Algorithm in C#, Part 1
  2. Shunting Yard Algorithm in C#, Part 2
  3. Shunting Yard Algorithm in C#, Part 3
  4. Shunting Yard Algorithm in C#, Part 4
  5. Getting Rid Of Those Damn Spaces, (Part 5 of 4)
  6. Removing Duplicate Operator Representation, (part 6 of 4)

Solution 2:

Here are some videos specifically about Cucumber and RSpec:
BDD with Cucumber
Cucumber: Automating the Requirements Language You Already Speak
Behaviour Driven Development with RSpec
Working Outside-in with Cucumber and RSpec
Beyond Test Driven Development: Behaviour Driven Development

Some general videos about TDD/BDD:
Test-Driven Development and Refactoring - Part One
Test-Driven Development and Refactoring - Part Two

One of the best free videos on the Ruby Object model
(I bought the Pragmatic series on metaprogramming after seeing this):
The Ruby Object Model - Dave Thomas

Here are some sites I've gotten some great videos off of:

Oh, and don't forget Google videos.

And here's a great little blog post with links to 20 articles on Cucumber: