TDD/BDD screencast/video resources [closed]
I've recently finished watching the Autumn of Agile screencasts and I'm looking for more material of similar scope. Basically, I'm looking for screencasts that present TDD/BDD process while developing somewhat "real life" applications (or parts of them) - so no 20 minute intros please. I'm surprised not to find anything like that though. If you know of any resources that fit the requirement, please list them.
Solution 1:
Brett Schuchert from Object Mentor just posted a series of videos on TDD
The videos are meant to be watched in order.
- GettingStarted
- Adding Basic Operators
- Removing Duplication
- Extracting to Strategy
- Removing Duplication via Refactoring or Removing Duplication via Tdd using Mockito
- Introducing an Abstract Factory
- Adding a Sum operator
- Adding Prime Factors Operator
- Composing Operators and Programming the Calculator
- Using FitNesse to Program the Calculator
A series of videos on creating the shunting yard algorithm in C# using Resharper, Visual Studio 2008 and TDD.
- Shunting Yard Algorithm in C#, Part 1
- Shunting Yard Algorithm in C#, Part 2
- Shunting Yard Algorithm in C#, Part 3
- Shunting Yard Algorithm in C#, Part 4
- Getting Rid Of Those Damn Spaces, (Part 5 of 4)
- Removing Duplicate Operator Representation, (part 6 of 4)
Solution 2:
Here are some videos specifically about Cucumber and RSpec:
BDD with Cucumber
Cucumber: Automating the Requirements Language You Already Speak
Behaviour Driven Development with RSpec
Working Outside-in with Cucumber and RSpec
Beyond Test Driven Development: Behaviour Driven Development
Some general videos about TDD/BDD:
Test-Driven Development and Refactoring - Part One
Test-Driven Development and Refactoring - Part Two
One of the best free videos on the Ruby Object model
(I bought the Pragmatic series on metaprogramming after seeing this):
The Ruby Object Model - Dave Thomas
Here are some sites I've gotten some great videos off of:
Oh, and don't forget Google videos.
And here's a great little blog post with links to 20 articles on Cucumber: