Portal - Look Up and Look Down commands are not working

I am attempting to control the camera with the arrow keys in Portal 1. I bound the arrow keys to the 'Turn Left and Right' and 'Look up and down' commands in Settings, but when I tried to play, I could only turn left and right, looking up and down didn't work. I tried rebinding the keys, using the developer's console, and restarting Portal, but nothing worked. Portal works fine, and I can move with my mouse.

Is there some special command or binding I have to use, or do the Look Up and Look Down commands not work at all?

Solution 1:

Commands Look Up and Look down do work. The command you're looking for is "cl_mouselook" - Set to 1 to use mouse for look, 0 for keyboard look. Cannot be set while connected to a server.

Needs to be set to 0 to work with your binding.

You must be on the main menu to be able to set cl_mouselook.