How to implement a writable stream

I want to pipe data from an amazon kinesis stream to a an s3 log or a bunyan log.

The sample works with a file write stream or stdout. How would I implmeny my own writable stream?

//this works
var file = fs.createWriteStream('my.log')

this doesn't work saying it has no method 'on'

var stream = {}; //process.stdout works however
stream.writable = true;
stream.write =function(data){

what methods do I have to implement for my own custom writable stream, the docs seem to indicate I need to implement 'write' and not 'on'

Solution 1:

To create your own writable stream, you have three possibilities.

Create your own class

For this you'll need 1) to extend the Writable class 2) to call the Writable constructor in your own constructor 3) define a _write() method in the prototype of your stream object.

Here's an example :

var stream = require('stream');
var util = require('util');

function EchoStream () { // step 2;
util.inherits(EchoStream, stream.Writable); // step 1
EchoStream.prototype._write = function (chunk, encoding, done) { // step 3

var myStream = new EchoStream(); // instanciate your brand new stream

Extend an empty Writable object

Instead of defining a new object type, you can instanciate an empty Writable object and implement the _write() method:

var stream = require('stream');
var echoStream = new stream.Writable();
echoStream._write = function (chunk, encoding, done) {


Use the Simplified Constructor API

If you're using io.js, you can use the simplified constructor API:

var writable = new stream.Writable({
  write: function(chunk, encoding, next) {

Use an ES6 class in Node 4+

class EchoStream extends stream.Writable {
  _write(chunk, enc, next) {

Solution 2:

Actually to create a writeable stream is quite simple. Here's is the example:

var fs = require('fs');
var Stream = require('stream');

var ws = new Stream;
ws.writable = true;
ws.bytes = 0;

ws.write = function(buf) {
   ws.bytes += buf.length;

ws.end = function(buf) {
   if(arguments.length) ws.write(buf);
   ws.writable = false;

   console.log('bytes length: ' + ws.bytes);

fs.createReadStream('file path').pipe(ws);

Also if you want to create your own class, @Paul give a good answer.