How to negate a method reference predicate

Solution 1:

Predicate.not( … )

java-11 offers a new method Predicate#not

So you can negate the method reference:

Stream<String> s = ...;
long nonEmptyStrings = s.filter(Predicate.not(String::isEmpty)).count();

Solution 2:

I'm planning to static import the following to allow for the method reference to be used inline:

public static <T> Predicate<T> not(Predicate<T> t) {
    return t.negate();


Stream<String> s = ...;
long nonEmptyStrings = s.filter(not(String::isEmpty)).count();

Update: Starting from Java-11, the JDK offers a similar solution built-in as well.

Solution 3:

There is a way to compose a method reference that is the opposite of a current method reference. See @vlasec's answer below that shows how by explicitly casting the method reference to a Predicate and then converting it using the negate function. That is one way among a few other not too troublesome ways to do it.

The opposite of this:

Stream<String> s = ...;
int emptyStrings = s.filter(String::isEmpty).count();

is this:

Stream<String> s = ...;
int notEmptyStrings = s.filter(((Predicate<String>) String::isEmpty).negate()).count()

or this:

Stream<String> s = ...;
int notEmptyStrings = s.filter( it -> !it.isEmpty() ).count();

Personally, I prefer the later technique because I find it clearer to read it -> !it.isEmpty() than a long verbose explicit cast and then negate.

One could also make a predicate and reuse it:

Predicate<String> notEmpty = (String it) -> !it.isEmpty();

Stream<String> s = ...;
int notEmptyStrings = s.filter(notEmpty).count();

Or, if having a collection or array, just use a for-loop which is simple, has less overhead, and *might be **faster:

int notEmpty = 0;
for(String s : list) if(!s.isEmpty()) notEmpty++;

*If you want to know what is faster, then use JMH, and avoid hand benchmark code unless it avoids all JVM optimizations — see Java 8: performance of Streams vs Collections

**I am getting flak for suggesting that the for-loop technique is faster. It eliminates a stream creation, it eliminates using another method call (negative function for predicate), and it eliminates a temporary accumulator list/counter. So a few things that are saved by the last construct that might make it faster.

I do think it is simpler and nicer though, even if not faster. If the job calls for a hammer and a nail, don't bring in a chainsaw and glue! I know some of you take issue with that.

wish-list: I would like to see Java Stream functions evolve a bit now that Java users are more familiar with them. For example, the 'count' method in Stream could accept a Predicate so that this can be done directly like this:

Stream<String> s = ...;
int notEmptyStrings = s.count(it -> !it.isEmpty());


List<String> list = ...;
int notEmptyStrings = lists.count(it -> !it.isEmpty());

Solution 4:

Predicate has methods and, or and negate.

However, String::isEmpty is not a Predicate, it's just a String -> Boolean lambda and it could still become anything, e.g. Function<String, Boolean>. Type inference is what needs to happen first. The filter method infers type implicitly. But if you negate it before passing it as an argument, it no longer happens. As @axtavt mentioned, explicit inference can be used as an ugly way:

s.filter(((Predicate<String>) String::isEmpty).negate()).count()

There are other ways advised in other answers, with static not method and lambda most likely being the best ideas. This concludes the tl;dr section.

However, if you want some deeper understanding of lambda type inference, I'd like to explain it a bit more to depth, using examples. Look at these and try to figure out what happens:

Object obj1                  = String::isEmpty;
Predicate<String> p1         = s -> s.isEmpty();
Function<String, Boolean> f1 = String::isEmpty;
Object obj2                  = p1;
Function<String, Boolean> f2 = (Function<String, Boolean>) obj2;
Function<String, Boolean> f3 = p1::test;
Predicate<Integer> p2        = s -> s.isEmpty();
Predicate<Integer> p3        = String::isEmpty;
  • obj1 doesn't compile - lambdas need to infer a functional interface (= with one abstract method)
  • p1 and f1 work just fine, each inferring a different type
  • obj2 casts a Predicate to Object - silly but valid
  • f2 fails at runtime - you cannot cast Predicate to Function, it's no longer about inference
  • f3 works - you call the predicate's method test that is defined by its lambda
  • p2 doesn't compile - Integer doesn't have isEmpty method
  • p3 doesn't compile either - there is no String::isEmpty static method with Integer argument

I hope this helps get some more insight into how type inferrence works.