Where's the # key in Lion

In Snow Leopard alt-3 used to print a #, in Lion it doesn't. I'v tried different key combination keyboard viewer but still no luck. Any ideas were the # key went?

Since it varies by keyboard layout - why not open your keyboard viewer and find out?

In the US keyboard layout on lion, it's still shift + 3

enter image description here

You have to select this from the menu bar after enabling it in the menu bar

enter image description here

It's still Alt-3 on my UK keyboard -- ###.

I like to use the widget:


Searching and copying a needed character is faster than with the keyboard viewer:

  • You do can look through all characers at once. With the keyboard viewer you need to hold and to see more characters.
  • Characters are sorteded by type: greek, keyboard, math...
  • TOP: You can find special (keyboard) symbols like , , , , ...

enter image description hereenter image description here