How can I install Firefox 4 nightlies and Firefox 3.6 stable on the same system [closed]

Solution 1:

Indeed, if you add the PPA, it will update Firefox 4 nightlies (which is what you want), and Firefox 3.6 to some nightlies (which you don't want, or it will loose its branding and become Namoroka).

What you want to do is to pin firefox so it won't update from the PPA (but firefox-4.0 will).

Create the file /etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-mozilla-daily-pin-400 and add this:

Package: *
Pin: release o=LP-PPA-ubuntu-mozilla-daily
Pin-Priority: 400

Now, the PPA will have lower priority than the official repositories, so firefox will always check from the official repositories, but firefox-4.0, which is only on the PPA, will be updated from it.

(source for the configuration: Pinning the ubuntu-mozilla-daily PPA)

Another way, without using the command line, is to open Synaptic Package Manager, find the firefox package, and on the "Package" menu, check "Lock Version". But then, Firefox 3.6 won't get updates from the official Ubuntu repositories either. :-/

Solution 2:

First, remove all firefox versions and all firefox related ppas you maybe have added.

After that type

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox

to install the current stable version of firefox.

To install the current version 4 nightly build type this:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox-4.0

Firefox 4 should now appear here: Applications->Internet->Minefield 4.0 Web Browser.