AngularJS access parent scope from child controller

Solution 1:

If your HTML is like below you could do something like this:

<div ng-controller="ParentCtrl">
    <div ng-controller="ChildCtrl">

Then you can access the parent scope as follows

function ParentCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.cities = ["NY", "Amsterdam", "Barcelona"];

function ChildCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.parentcities = $scope.$parent.cities;

If you want to access a parent controller from your view you have to do something like this:

<div ng-controller="xyzController as vm">

See jsFiddle:


Actually since you defined cities in the parent controller your child controller will inherit all scope variables. So theoritically you don't have to call $parent. The above example can also be written as follows:

function ParentCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.cities = ["NY","Amsterdam","Barcelona"];

function ChildCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.parentCities = $scope.cities;

The AngularJS docs use this approach, here you can read more about the $scope.

Another update

I think this is a better answer to the original poster.


<div ng-app ng-controller="ParentCtrl as pc">
    <div ng-controller="ChildCtrl as cc">
        <pre>{{cc.parentCities | json}}</pre>
        <pre>{{pc.cities | json}}</pre>


function ParentCtrl() {
    var vm = this;
    vm.cities = ["NY", "Amsterdam", "Barcelona"];

function ChildCtrl() {
    var vm = this;
    ParentCtrl.apply(vm, arguments); // Inherit parent control

    vm.parentCities = vm.cities;

If you use the controller as method you can also access the parent scope as follows

function ChildCtrl($scope) {
    var vm = this;
    vm.parentCities = $scope.pc.cities; // note pc is a reference to the "ParentCtrl as pc"

As you can see there are many different ways in accessing $scopes.

Updated fiddle

function ParentCtrl() {
    var vm = this;
    vm.cities = ["NY", "Amsterdam", "Barcelona"];
function ChildCtrl($scope) {
    var vm = this;
    ParentCtrl.apply(vm, arguments);
    vm.parentCitiesByScope = $scope.pc.cities;
    vm.parentCities = vm.cities;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app ng-controller="ParentCtrl as pc">
  <div ng-controller="ChildCtrl as cc">
    <pre>{{cc.parentCities | json}}</pre>
    <pre>{{cc.parentCitiesByScope | json }}</pre>
    <pre>{{pc.cities | json}}</pre>

Solution 2:

I've just checked


works for me.

and it will be


for the view.

Solution 3:

When you are using as syntax, like ParentController as parentCtrl, to define a controller then to access parent scope variable in child controller use following :

var id = $;

Where parentCtrl is name of parent controller using as syntax and id is a variable defined in same controller.

Solution 4:

Some times you may need to update parent properties directly within child scope. e.g. need to save a date and time of parent control after changes by a child controller. e.g Code in JSFiddle


<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller="Parent"> = {{}} <br/>
    event.time = {{event.time}} <br/>
    <div ng-controller="Child"> = {{}}<br/>
        event.time = {{event.time}}<br/>
        <br> <input ng-model=''><br>
        event.time: <input ng-model='event.time'><br>


    function Parent($scope) {
       $scope.event = {
        date: '2014/01/1',
        time: '10:01 AM'

    function Child($scope) {
