nagios Missing Dependency: perl(Net::SNMP)

Just in case someone else is having issues with this: check your yum exclude list here: /etc/yum.conf

with Cpanel installed lots of packages are getting excluded. So for the one-off install of nagios-nrpe remove perl* from the list of excluded packages, run 'yum install nagios-nrpe.x86_64' and add it back after installation.

You are confusing net-snmp-perl and perl-Net-SNMP. They are not the same. The file lists do not overlap.

perl-Net-SNMP provides perl(Net::SNMP)

Details: net-snmp-perl is the perl interface to the net-snmp (aka ucsd snmp) library. perl-Net-SNMP is completely independent of (and does not require) the net-snmp library.