Have Nagios execute a command when it detects a down host
Solution 1:
Event handlers are your friends: http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/eventhandlers.html.
Solution 2:
into your commands file add the command you need
define command{
# try this before
command_name my_restart
command_line /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/my_restart.sh $HOSTADDRESS$ $SERVICESTATE$ $SERVICESTATETYPE$ $SERVICEATTEMPT$
into your service defination
define service{
event_handler my_restart
the arguments that you receive into your script are the ones defined into the command file, you can see them as well by doing echo $@ into your script - is important to know the host address in case that you will call against a remote host and the service state (you take different actions on CRITICAL, OK or WARNING)
i suggest you have some logging into your script at least at the beginning.