Any linux command to perform parallel decompression of tar.bz2 file?

Solution 1:

lbzip2 and pbzip2 are the tools which you can use for parallel compression and decompression.


lbzip2 -d <file.tar.bz2> 
pbzip2 -d <file.tar.bz2> 

-d option is used for decompression.

To install these packages:

lbzip2 Install lbzip2type:

sudo apt-get install lbzip2

pbzip2 Install pbzip2type:

sudo apt-get install pbzip2

Solution 2:

You can uncompress your archive with a single command using the tar -I option. It gives you the ability to use any compression utility that supports the -d option.

tar -I lbzip2 -xvf <file.tar.bz2>

It comes very useful when deailing with big archive as you don't need to have twice the uncompressed size available on the target filesystem (the tar temp file and the output file) It's also faster as you need far less disk IO.

Of course that works when compressing too :

tar -I lbzip2 -cvpf <file.tar.bz2> <file>

Check tar --help for more options.

Solution 3:

you can use pbzip2 with the -d flag to "decompress",

from the manpage:

  pbzip2 -d myfile.tar.bz2

This example will decompress the file "myfile.tar.bz2" into the decompressed file "myfile.tar". It will use the autodetected # of processors (or 2 processors if autodetect not supported).

After decompressing, you need to untar the file with

 tar xf myfile.tar

A tar file is just a container, to which you can apply multiple compression algorithms, for example, you can have a ".tar.gz" or a ".tar.bz2" which both have different compression algorithms applied. So pbzip2 will only uncompress the archive but it will not extract the files, use tar to extract the files. Tar shouldn't take long since the archive is already uncompressed and it will just extract the files. (note that we are Not using the 'z' flag or the 'j' flag in the tar command, which they indicate that we also want to decompress the file)