Is there a Fire Emblem Chronology?

Most of the Fire Emblem games exist in a single timeline, the earliest being Genealogy of the Holy War, and the most recent being Awakening.

Three other timelines also exist, but are not directly tied to the aforementioned timeline:

  • The Elibe timeline consists of Blazing Sword and The Binding Blade.
  • The Magvel timeline consists solely of The Sacred Stones.
  • The Tellius timeline consists of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.

Awakening provides tie-ins to these timelines through the use of other "realms", although it is unclear whether the timelines run parallel or not. It also includes hints as to how the timelines may coincide:

  • In the DLC, Lyn claims that Robin is the tactician from Blazing Sword.
  • Ike's descendant, Priam, can be recruited in one of the bonus chapters.
  • Time travel and parallel realities do occur, so timelines may not be linear.

As for whether Ike is a direct ancestor to the main characters of the other Fire Emblem games, it seems highly unlikely. Priam's status as Ike's descendent and Chrom's status as Marth's descendant both appear to be well-known and bear no overlap. Given that it is unknown when the Tellius timeline occurs in relation to the primary timeline, it is not impossible that Ike is a direct ancestor to the lords of the other games, but all evidence points away from this being the case.