How to fix “swipe up” and “swipe down” gestures in Reeder after installing Lion?

Solution 1:

This problem is a known issue and has been fixed in recent versions.

However, it is not specific to Reeder and seems to also affect Twitter and other apps.

To work around it, hold ⌥ Option and swipe using the same count of fingers that you have set for Mission Control in Trackpad preference pane:

Swipe up with three fingers

Solution 2:

You can fix this (temporarily), but there's some plist hacking involved. I read on reeder's twitter feed about a solution to this problem.

“@jagreenwood: @reederapp i got them working like this swipeWithEvent isn't called otherwise” Great, thanks!

The solution described at the linked address explains how to fix this problem in a couple of steps:

  1. I set up the trackpad properties in Preferences like this: enter image description here

  2. open up ~/Library/Preferences/ in your favorite editor

  3. make set the value of key TrackpadThreeFingerVertSwipeGesture to 1
  4. Restart your computer as this setting otherwise isn't used.

It's a bit hackish, but works pretty fine for me. The author of the post has also a different solution, but I don't really like that there's the option key involved.