Converting word documents into a Trac wiki format

Solution 1:

Forget all those tools.

Microsoft Word allows you to export in HTML. Export HTML, copy-paste, remove 'html' 'head' and 'body' tags, and surround with HTML WikiProcessor.

If the styles don't come through well, try exporting to RTF and using an RTF to HTML converter. Then proceed.

Solution 2: has builtin functionality to export in wiki format. You can also easily convert between Word documents and OOo's .odt format prior to exporting.

File -> Export (set format to MediaWiki)

Wikipedia also has a list of Wiki Tools, coincidentally. Section 6 is what you're interested in.


Since I was unaware that Trac uses a different format, Trac also provides some tools to convert from MediaWiki syntax to Trac syntax. You can use these after using any of the aforementioned tools.

Solution 3:

Be sure and check these out:

  • TracWysiwigPlugin
  • Word2Trac VB Script