Make search by file name default in Finder

In Finder when I type something in the textbox the default is to search the whole mac in the contents of the files. I was able to change the default to search the current directory, but didn't see an option to change search for contents to search for file name. How can that be changed?

Solution 1:

On 10.6 you can either add <key>SearchNameOnly</key><true/> to the SearchCriteria dictionary in /System/Library/CoreServices/ or replace default_smart.plist with a normal saved search file. (And reopen Finder.) Neither option seems to work on Lion though.

You can also press ⌃⌘F (or ⇧⌘F on 10.6) to open a Spotlight window that is set to search by name by default.

Solution 2:

The above worked, and I thought I'd spell out the steps.

After locating the Finder Application (System/Library/CoreServices/, Change the Finder app with Get Info to allow read/write by your user admin account. New Control-click the Finder and Show Package Contents. Look for the default_smart.plist file here: System/Library/CoreServices/

Copy the file default_smart.plist out to desktop (save an original elsewhere as well just in case), edit in TextEdit, and insert the line <key>SearchNameOnly</key><true/> before the end of that dict grouping here:


Then save and replace the file default_smart.plist in it's location: System/Library/CoreServices/ (you will need to authenticate with a password to save changes to the Finder)

Solution 3:

One more bit here that I don't see on the the page. After doing this you'll need to Relaunch the Finder. 1 Push option-command-escape, 2 select Finder, 3 click Relaunch. 4 Close the window using the little red x in the top left.