Grabbing the output sent to Console.Out from within a unit test?

I am building a unit test in C# with NUnit, and I'd like to test that the main program actually outputs the right output depending on the command line arguments.

Is there a way from an NUnit test method that calls Program.Main(...) to grab everything written to Console.Out and Console.Error so that I can verify against it?

Solution 1:

You can redirect Console.In, Console.Out and Console.Error to custom StringWriters, like this

public void ValidateConsoleOutput()
    using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())

        ConsoleUser cu = new ConsoleUser();

        string expected = string.Format("Ploeh{0}", Environment.NewLine);
        Assert.AreEqual<string>(expected, sw.ToString());

See this blog post for full details.

Solution 2:

You can use this simple class to get the output with a using statement:

public class ConsoleOutput : IDisposable
    private StringWriter stringWriter;
    private TextWriter originalOutput;

    public ConsoleOutput()
        stringWriter = new StringWriter();
        originalOutput = Console.Out;

    public string GetOuput()
        return stringWriter.ToString();

    public void Dispose()

Here is an example how to use it:

using (var consoleOutput = new ConsoleOutput())

    Assert.AreEqual(text, consoleOutput.GetOuput());

you can find more detailed information and a working code sample on my blog post here - Getting console output within a unit test.