How to chain execution of array of functions when every function returns deferred.promise?

Same idea, but you may find it slightly classier or more compact:

funcs.reduce((prev, cur) => prev.then(cur), starting_promise);

If you have no specific starting_promise you want to use, just use Promise.resolve().

You need to build a promise chain in a loop:

var promise = funcs[0](input);
for (var i = 1; i < funcs.length; i++)
    promise = promise.then(funcs[i]);

Building on @torazaburo, we can also add an 'unhappy path'

funcs.reduce(function(prev, cur) {
  return prev.then(cur).catch(cur().reject);
}, starting_promise); 

ES7 way in 2017.

  async function runPromisesInSequence(promises) {
    for (let promise of promises) {
      console.log(await promise());

This will execute the given functions sequentially(one by one), not in parallel. The parameter promises is a collection of functions(NOT Promises), which return Promise.

ES6, allowing for additional arguments:

function chain(callbacks, initial, ...extraArgs) {
 return callbacks.reduce((prev, next) => {
   return prev.then((value) => next(value, ...extraArgs));
 }, Promise.resolve(initial));