How long should resize2fs take on a 1TB partition?

Solution 1:

The times can be variable depending on loads of different things.

If you think there is a problem, open a new window or create a new PuTTY session and run dmesg (I/O errors or some such) and/or df -h (whether available space is increasing).

I suspect it will take quite a while in any case. No idea how long, personally. You might be faster to copy it to another network drive and reinstall.

Solution 2:

Online resizing an ext4fs from 1 TB to 2 TB, on an RAID1 lvm2 took about 1h40min on a pair of seagate barracuta 2TB SATA drives. This was the root partition.

During this time, the CPU never went over 10% (cumulating md2_raid1 and md2_resize). The load was about 3.

If your resize2fs processes is eating 100% of your CPU and your HDD does not work, it really seems that it is stuck. Try to see if they are any (error) messages in the syslog.

Your setup is simpler (no RAID1 LVM), so it should have taken way less time, and during the process, your hard disk will work a lot, not your CPU.

Also, resize2fs has a -p flag (percentage), to display progression, but it is only in offline mode.

Solution 3:

Another data point: resizing 1TB to 2TB, in online mode but system is single-user so activity very low, single SATA HDD, CentOS 6.7, took about 95 minutes.