I just bought TF2 as part of the Valve Complete Pack. Where's my Proof of Purchase helmet?

Solution 1:

From the Official TF2 wiki:

This hat is given to players who purchased Team Fortress 2 before the Über Update on June 23, 2011, those who receive a gift of the game, and those who activate a retail copy of the game, such as purchasing the Orange Box.

If you look in the Notes section, it'll say:

Purchasing the Orange Box or Valve Complete Pack on Steam will still grant users the item.

So I'm assuming you'd need to have bought the pack on Steam in order to receive the hat.

However, this seems a bit contradicting with

...and those who activate a retail copy of the game...

since that implies that activating a copy of the game will grant you the hat. I do think however that that only implies when you get a boxed copy of Team Fortress 2.

I think that you can only get the Proof of Purchase hat, along with all other premium features, when you:

  • Activate a boxed copy of Team Fortress 2
  • Receive a gift of the boxed copy of Team Fortress 2
  • Buy the Valve Complete Pack on Steam

Otherwise, you can't get the hat.