Convergence of the $e^x$ Taylor series

We have an amazing thing called Lagrange remainders. They basically tell us the difference between our function and it's Taylor polynomial. In general, we have


where $P_n(x)=\sum_{k=0}^n\frac{f^{(k)}(a)}{k!}(x-a)^k$. Since it follows that




for some $c$ in our radius of convergence. It thus follows by integrating a few times that


One can then see that as $n\to\infty$, we have


and if $\frac{f^{(n+1)}(c)}{(n+1)!}x^{n+1}\to0$ for any $x,c$ within the a given domain, then the power series will equal the original function over that domain.

See if you can show that for any $x,c\in\mathbb R$,


On a side note, Lagrange remainder also shows us how well we approximate something when using a power series. For example, if I wanted to calculate $e$ out 5 places accurately,


It's easy enough to solve, since


Our particular case is $x=1$, and thus it suffices to solve


Which is easily done with a few checks to give $n\le8$. Thus,


You can do this in steps:

  1. Define the function $\exp x = \sum_{j=0}^\infty x^j/j!$. Show that it converges everywhere.

  2. Using Cauchy products and the Binomial Theorem, show that $\exp (w + z) = \exp w \exp z$.

  3. Show that $\exp$ is continuous and increasing. Differentiation gives $\exp' = \exp$, and $\exp$ is positive everywhere.

  4. Since you know $\exp 1 = \mathrm e$, an inductive application of (2) gives $$ (\exp q)^m = \exp(mq) = \exp n = \mathrm e^n $$ for any rational $q=n/m$, so $\exp q = \mathrm e^q$.

  5. Via the definition of power $\mathrm e^x = \sup_{q \leq x} \mathrm e^q$ and (3), show that $\exp x = \mathrm e^x$ for all $x$.

First two points about your question:

  • You say that you have figured out that $e=\sum 1/i!$. This suggests that you are using a definition of $e$ which is different from that sum. So how do you define $e$?
  • Next is how do you define $e^{x} $? If $x$ is rational then a definition of $e$ is sufficient. For irrational $x$ one must define the concept of irrational exponent and this is a non-trivial task. How do you do that?

There are many ways to answer both the questions above and the simplest way is perhaps to use the definition $$\exp(x)=\lim_{n\to\infty}\left(1+\frac{x}{n}\right)^{n}\tag{1}$$ and then define $e=\exp(1)$. It can be proved that the definition above makes sense (that is the limit in $(1)$ exists). Further we can prove that $\exp(x+y) =\exp(x) \exp(y) $ and then by algebra we get $\exp(x) =e^{x} $ for all rational $x$.

Next step is to define irrational exponent $x$ at least for the base $e$ by the equation $e^{x} =\exp(x) $ and deal with symbol $a^{x}$ for general $a$ later.

The result $$\exp(x) =\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}\frac{x^{i}}{i!}\tag{2}$$ can be proved using $(1)$ with some effort. I have given details of this approach in my blog post.

If your objective is to establish $(2)$ using Taylor's theorem then you need to show that derivative of $\exp(x) $ is $\exp(x) $ itself. This is already presented in this answer.