Minecraft - How To See Scoreboards

I set up my scoreboard with:

/scoreboard objectives add Deaths deathCount Deaths

Then I did:

/scoreboard objectives setDisplay list Deaths

I can't see the scoreboard though! If I do the right command it will tell me, but I can't actually see the scoreboard. If anyone could help me fix this, please tell me!

Solution 1:

The scoreboard will not display because Deaths has not been triggered yet.

Simply trigger the objective by a) dying or b) changing the value of the objective with commands. Type /scoreboard players set [player] Deaths 1 then /scoreboard players set [player] Deaths 0

EDIT: @lennartVH01 pointed out that you may be looking in the wrong place for the scoreboard. The list display type is displayed when you press TAB, whereas sidebar displays on the side of the screen. Also, belowName displays under the name of a player.