Setting Option+[WIFI ICON MENUBAR CLICK] as default action when clicking the wifi icon in the menu bar

Clicking on the Wifi icon in the menu bar while pressing and holding the option key presents the user with a different and detailed view. The option-key is a nice feature. It works on a lot of the menu bar icons as well (sound and bluetooth).

enter image description here

I'd be nice if I could set this feature as the default action when interacting with those menu bar items.

How can I set this to be the default action on El Capitan?

Until now I've only found a workaround:

Install BetterTouchTool and create a special trackpad gesture or mouse gesture to invoke an option+click. In the example below I use the trackpad and a 3 finger double-tap in Global to do that:

enter image description here

From now on a 3 finger double-tap on the Wi-Fi menulet (and other menulets) will reveal the advanced or detailed view.