How to close GUI and go into pure shell mode in RedHat enterprise Linux 6?

I'm new to linux. How to close GUI and go into pure shell mode in RedHat enterprise Linux 6? I don't want the GUI. I just want to learn some shell scripts.


you boot your server in run level 3 or you use CTRL+ALT+F2 go to terminal mode :)

Runlevels Descriptions

  • 0 – halt
  • 1 – Single user mode
  • 2 – Multiuser, without NFS (The same as 3, if you do not have networking)
  • 3 – Full multiuser mode (terminal mode)
  • 4 – unused
  • 5 – X11 (X mode)
  • 6 – reboot

To change the default runlevel in RedHat/CentOS/Fedora, edit /etc/inittab and find the line that looks like this:


change to 3, then reboot the server