Solution 1:

If you haven't used Update-Database you can just delete the migration file. If you've run the update you should roll it back using Update-Database -TargetMigration "NameOfPreviousMigration" then delete the migration file.


Solution 2:

If you haven't executed the migration yet with Update-Database, you can run Add-Migration again with the same name (you may need to use -Force) to re-execute the scaffolding. This is noted in the output of the Add-Migration command.

Solution 3:

Just use command


It will remove last added migration and update snapshot. It will not affect database so you have to rollback db in first place.

Solution 4:

To add to @Ben 's answer, when using the dotnet ef command variety this is the remove command you need:

dotnet ef migrations remove

Which will remove your last migration and update the model snapshot.

Solution 5:

With EntityFrameworkCore 2.0 comes the model snapshot. You will need to run the remove migration command in order to update the model snapshot. I have read that EF Core will recognize any update and revert the snapshot for you if you manually delete the migration but this has not worked for me.