What cheat code do you use for spruce wood in Minecraft?

What is the cheat code for spruce wood in Minecraft on computer?
I know this part: /give (player)
but I don't know the rest.

Please help.

Solution 1:

The last argument to /give is the numerical "block id". You can look up block ids on any of the various Minecraft wikis. For example, http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Spruce_wood#Data_values shows that Spruce Wood is block id 17.

Solution 2:

As of the newest versions of the game, your answer would be

/give [USERNAME] minecraft:spruce_planks [COUNT]

This is the more simplified version. It appears you, after about 4 years, should know how to get spruce planks by now, but this answer is to clarify for any new visitors wondering the same thing for newer versions.