Usage of "done" vs. "done with."

I've always found it irksome when people form sentences such as "I'm done my homework." It is of my understanding that you are never done something, but rather you are done with something.

Am I right to be bothered by this?

You're right to be bothered.

I'm done my homework

is not acceptable English.

I'm done with my homework

I have done my homework

I did my homework

are fine. Done is called the past participle of the verb do, and done needs a helper word like have or had when used as a verb.

I'm done my homework is completely acceptable in some regions. Canada, some regions of Philadelphia, NJ, and New Hampshire. Language changes, so I would say when entire countries are now finding a certain construct acceptable, that's enough to say that it is indeed acceptable :)

My homework's done.

I've done my homework.

I'm done with my homework.

All are acceptable.

I'm done my homework? Not if it's for English class.

This grammatical construction is popular in Canadian English. To me as a Canadian I was surprised to find that it was not standard. I have found someone say that it's frequently used in Philadelphia but not Pittsbourgh. Odd... It can be found in some regions of the United States, but not all. Linguistic data on the internet is hard to come by.