How to make Visual Studio stop "compiling" .js and .css files

Solution 1:

Enter the options through

Tools > Options

If it isn't checked, check the "Show all settings" box at the bottom of that window.

In the tree to the left, choose:

Text Editor > CSS > CSS Specific

Uncheck "Detect Errors". Then, choose:

Text Editor > JScript > Miscellaneous

Uncheck "Show syntax errors".

You can also change how it indents each type of code too, in the various settings in those "Text Editor" sub-options.

Solution 2:

I know, this question is old, but I have an update (for Visual Studio 2010):

The accepted solution has a big disadvantage: It disables all syntax checking of CSS and JScript. If you still want to have meaningful warnings, you can do the following workaround. It will treat errors as warnings, and it will do css validation on css V3.0 level rather than on (old) css V2.1:

  1. Close Visual Studio
  2. Download and install the web standards package for Visual Studio 2010 SP 1
  3. Open the path (on 32 bit machines, it is Program Files)

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Packages\1033\schemas\CSS

  4. Backup CSS21.xml for safety reasons
  5. Overwrite CSS21.xml by the file CSS30.xml (in the same directory)
  6. Open Visual Studio. In Text Editor settings, (re-)enable "Show syntax errors". Ensure you have checked "as warnings" too.
From now on syntax checking of CSS is done on 3.0 level (although it appears in Visual Studio now as 2.1), and you're getting warnings instead of errors if the syntax checker finds anything.

(Note that the Style Sheet toolbar only allows to enable CSS 3.0 checking for css files, not for HTML. Hence, this fix is needed if you want to keep syntax checking)