Raphael JS and Text positioning?

Text-anchor property for text method is set to 'middle' by default.

If you want to left align it then change text-anchor in attributes for the object:

var t = paper.text(50, 50, "Raphaël\nkicks\nbutt!").attr({'text-anchor': 'start'});

I know you didn't say you need to vertical align it to top, but if you want to use paper.text instead of paper.print... and would like to vertical align to be top.

Try this:

function alignTop(t) {
    var b = t.getBBox();
    var h = Math.abs(b.y2) - Math.abs(b.y) + 1;

        'y': b.y + h

And just pass the Raphael text object to it. It will top align it for you. and just call that function