Simple way templating multiline strings in java code

I'm often run in to the following situation: I have long multiline strings where properties must be injected - e.g. something like templating. But I don't want to inlcude a complete templating engine (like velocity or freemarker) in my projects.

How can this be done in a simple way:

String title = "Princess";
String name  = "Luna";
String community = "Stackoverflow";

String text =
   "Dear " + title + " " + name + "!\n" +  
   "This is a question to " + community + "-Community\n" + 
   "for simple approach how to code with Java multiline Strings?\n" + 
   "Like this one.\n" + 
   "But it must be simple approach without using of Template-Engine-Frameworks!\n" + 
   "\n" + 
   "Thx for ..."; 

You can create your own small & simply template engine with few lines of code:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    String title = "Princes";
    String name  = "Luna";
    String community = "Stackoverflow";

    InputStream stream = DemoMailCreater.class.getResourceAsStream("demo.mail");

    byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.available()];;

    String text = new String(buffer);

    text = text.replaceAll("§TITLE§", title);
    text = text.replaceAll("§NAME§", name);
    text = text.replaceAll("§COMMUNITY§", community);



and small text file e.g. in the same folder (package) demo.mail:

Dear §TITLE§ §NAME§!
This is a question to §COMMUNITY§-Community
for simple approach how to code with Java multiline Strings? 
Like this one.
But it must be simple approach without using of Template-Engine-Frameworks!

Thx for ... 

One basic way of doing it would be to use String.format(...)


String title = "Princess";
String name  = "Celestia";
String community = "Stackoverflow";

String text = String.format(
    "Dear %s %s!%n" +  
    "This is a question to %s-Community%n" + 
    "for simple approach how to code with Java multiline Strings?%n" + 
    "Like this one.%n" + 
    "But it must be simple approach without using of Template-Engine-Frameworks!%n" + 
    "%n" + 
    "Thx for ...", title, name, community);

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