Solution 1:

As Abhi says: fire up regedit.exe and change the decimal value of Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\MajorVersion from 10 (as set by Windows 10) to e.g. 8. Installer should work now. Afterwards, you can set the value back to 10 (or whatever value your Windows env. had at first).

Tip: For quick navigation, paste the path Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parametersinto the address-bar of Registry Editor and hit Enter.

Also, for me on Windows 10, I had to enable .NET Framework 3.5 > Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activationfor the installer to progress. Without this enabled, installer would just hang at step 1. Requires reboot.

Solution 2:

Installation of PHP Manager for IIS via the Web Platform Installer requires .NET 3.5 to work properly. Install .NET 3.5 first, and you should be all set.

Solution 3:

The setup program checks that the registry value HKLM/System/CCS/Services/W3SVC/Parameters/MajorVersion is >= 7. The value in the registry is 0xA, which I am assuming is the problem. For a workaround, change the registry value to 9 (or 8 or 7) and PHP Manager for IIS should install correctly. [insert standard disclaimer about editing the registry]

Solution 4:

Currently the installation also fails in case of using the Web Platform Installer because the Codeplex download link used by the Web Platform Installer does not exist anymore.

Luckily some guys created GitHub repositories to update PHP Manager. These repositories provide new releases witch should work without the registry hack.

The MSI installer can be downloaded here: