How do I spawn a Zombie with Armor [duplicate]

I want to make an adventure map with custom mobs, and I am unsure where to start. I want to spawn a Zombie with full leather armor and a Stone sword named Lv.1 Zombie.

If you can just give me a layout of the summon command I would really appreciate it.

This is what I have tried so far to try and work it out.

/summon Zombie ~ ~3 ~ {CustomName:"Lv.1 Zombie"}

You just have to use the "tuple" Equipment: inside the brackets. Example

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{id:minecraft:stone_sword},{id:minecraft:leather_boots},{id:minecraft:leather_leggings},{id:minecraft:leather_chestplate},{id:minecraft:leather_helmet}],CustomNameVisible:1,CustomName:"Zombie"}

This will spawn a "Full Leather Set + Stone Sword" zombie.

The Equipment tag takes exactly 5 item tags, enclosed by []. The order of these five tags is: hand, boots, pants, chest, helmet. You will have to use {} for any empty slots.

You will have to fetch the ID's of the items you want to equip your mob, and place them as members of the Equipment attribute like {id:ID}. Each item can also have other tags for things like color or enchantments, and they can be customized using the same logic, such as: {id:minecraft:leather_leggings,tag:{display:{color:9843760}}}.

Final note: Starting with 1.9 the Equipment tag is split into HandItems (main-hand, off-hand) and ArmorItems (boots, pants, chest, helmet).

Further reading:

  • Mobs for adventure mode
  • Tutorial. How to summon mobs with coloured armor
  • Minecraft ID List