How can I rename Desktops / Spaces in macOS?

Solution 1:

Nope, there is no way to natively do that. But you can put an application into fullscreen and the Desktop will take the application's name.

Else way, there is some third party applications who will help you do to so:


Spaces Renamer

Spaces Renamer is a combination of an application and SIMBL plugin to allow you to rename your spaces.

enter image description here

Total Spaces

The commercial app TotalSpaces by binaryage allows you to name Spaces.

enter image description here

You may need to partially disable SIP in order to use TotalSpaces or Spaces Renamer, see:


You should probably read this before to disable it:

Related posts:

  • How can I rename desktops in Mission Control?

Solution 2:

This is something that I wanted for ages, so I finally got around and built an open source solution!

It behaves similarly to TotalSpaces in that it uses SIMBL to hook into the display functionality, and uses an application with a top menu bar button to rename the desktops. To install it, just head over to my GitHub and follow the installation instructions!

Screenshots: Edited Names

Name-changing UI

Solution 3:

A very low technology but quite direct solution is to assign keystrokes to each desktop (Preferences -> keyboard -> shortcuts -> Mission Control : allows you to assign ^1 to Desktop 1 and so on). Then write your desired Desktop Names on a small stickie note (a physical one!) and stick it near the number keys. All your Desktop names are constantly in view, and each is just a single keystroke away...