Updated XCode to 7.0.1 via the app store but it still shows itself at 6.4 in the app and missing the new features

I tried to update Xcode to 7.0.1 today and it told me that I needed to get OS X 10.10.4 or greater (I had 10.10.3). I agreed to that update, but it didn't update OS X and has now marked XCode as being at 7.0.1 in the App Store. However if I go into XCode it still shows 6.4 and lacks the new features like iOS 9 in the simulator.

So I had it do the OS update to 10.10.5 and let it do the reboot and install process. It came back up and it still shows that XCode is at 6.4 in the application itself, but as updated in the App Store.

What gives? Any idea how to get it to actually update?

I would do the following:

  • Open Xcode
  • Open Preferences
  • select Locations

If your command line tools and Xcode about box don't both say 7.0.1 (7A1001) then you might want to just delete Xcode using Launchpad and then re-open the App Store to download a clean copy of the app. If you want to purge old simulators and SDK from ~/Library/Developer, do that now as well after making a backup of things just in case.

enter image description here

I had some issues with the beta versions of the app and deleting all traces of the app helped me with some document set download issues - perhaps your simulator issues are related to mixing versions between 6 and 7 too?