How to disable

I used a crummy AT&T (*coughAT&Tsymbollookslikedeathstarcough*) router to build a private LAN. It has no service/DSL connections, there for it detects no internet access (naturally) and will give me this pop-up on a Mac:

Pop-up on Mac

This, as you can see, seems to be a Safari window of sorts that is sourcing Because I have no DSL connection, all DNS resolutions get translated to the router's web host. This means that every 5 to 10 minutes I get this pop-up. The WiFi connection does work, but I get this annoying pop-up that interrupts my work.

On an iPhone, I have a similarish problem, although it is more consequential. In Settings --> Wireless it gives me this same page asking me to Log In. I assume that's the function of I know places like McDonalds or Starbucks will do this to make sure you come in and buy something before getting on their WiFi.

My Question is this: How do I disable this on a Mac so that I don't have to worry with this pop-up anymore? The iPhone is a secondary problem, but it would be nice to have a solution for it. Would a /etc/hosts entry fix it, or is it more complicated than that?

OS X version 10.11 El Capitan
2011 Mac Mini

Solution 1:

There's 3 ways.

  1. sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ Active -boolean false

  2. Just delete (or rename) /System/Library/CoreServices/Captive Network

  3. Add an entry in /etc/hosts containing