Inspect the content of Time Machine single backup

Every time I make a backup with Time Machine, the size of the data backed up is always 2Gb+.
I don't understand where all these data are coming from.
Is there a way to inspect the content of the single backup?

TimeTracker - this allows you to see the individual files backed up to Time Machine.

(It's a little down on the website.)

I guess this question is pretty old now, but just in case anyone is still looking for something, I use BackupLoupe.

You can use the preinstalled tmutil utility on the command line ( to show the difference between two snapshots.

sudo bash

# Go to the time machine folder on your backup disk
cd /Volumes/BackupDisk/Backups.backupdb/mymac/

# List all available backups
ls -l

# Compare two backups
tmutil compare 2019-01-15-203957 2019-01-15-211038

Manpage entry for tmutil compare:

If no arguments are provided, tmutil will compare the computer to the latest snapshot. If a snapshot path is provided as the sole argument, tmutil will compare the computer to the specified snapshot. If two path arguments are provided, tmutil will compare those two items to each other. tmutil will attempt to inform you when you have asked it to do something that doesn't make sense or isn't supported.